Monday, December 30, 2019

Introducing The Next Big Thing The Company Thatll Lead the Revolution

Introducing The Next Big Thing The Company Thatll Lead the RevolutionIntroducing The Next Big Thing The Company Thatll Lead the Revolution It may come as no surprise that the future is hybrid - from cars to college majors to careers - its all about combining skills and strategies in order to innovate. As such, the next big hybrid is agtech, or agriculture technology. And its champion is Boston-based Indigo , whose goal is ironically simple to help farmers sustainably feed the planet.Agtech is an industry based on technologies, old and new, that are responsible for increasing the output and efficiency of agricultural production, says Lauren Ashbrook, Senior Communications Lead at Indigo . In recent years, agtech has become a buzzword, most often describing emerging technologies that are aimed at increasing agricultural production to meet the demands of a ballooning population.For the past few years, agriculture technology has been a hot sector for venture capital ists, entrepreneurs and data hounds, but it has now reached critical mass presenting a huge opportunity for job seekers. According to a Boston Consulting Group study , in 2015, the combined agtech investments of agribusiness companies and early-stage investments of VC firms totaled an estimated $20 billion to $25 billion.Some of the most popular subgroups of this hot industry are agricultural bioscience, data-enabled agriculture, automation and robotics, supply chain and logistics, agricultural processing, and alternative business models. Indigo works to utilize plants natural microbes to improve crop health and productivity. They work with farmers to provide microbial seed treatmentsfor corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and wheat that lead to higher-yielding, hardier crops that can withstand water shortage.In short, Indigos seed treatments maximize field productivity, enhance crop quality, and satisfy increasing consumer demand for sustainably grown food, adds Ashbrook. Thus far, weve focused ur research and development on products that address water stress (i.e. arid or drought conditions), which is not only a pressing concern for the agriculture industry, in parteicular, but also a problem that is projected to worsen under all climate change scenarios.In order to reach their goal of helping farmers sustainably feed the planet, Indigo hires engineers, data scientists, and more that will develop products that address biotic stresses, such as pests and disease, in order to provide growers with efficacious tools that enable them to meaningfully reduce agricultural chemical use.Whether working on the finance, manufacturing, crop product management or bioprocessing teams, every Indigo employee has - you guessed it - a hybrid love of farms, healthy food and a clean planet for future generations. We caught up with Ashbrook and Indigos VP of People, Katie Czerepak to talk about the career opportunities in agtech and what its like to lead the second green revolution .Glassdoor Why is the agtech industry booming right now? Any reason behind the growth?Lauren Ashbrook There is a lot of opportunity for innovation in agriculture. By 2050, the planet will have 9.7 billion people to feed. At the same time, the yield gains resulting from modern agricultural technologies have largely plateaued, generating annual yield increases of just over 1 percent per year. Climate change, meanwhile, has caused weather volatility and created record dry spells, impacting farmers around the globe. If current trends continue, by 2050 we will no longer be producing enough food to sustain our population.Compounding the problem, recent gains in agricultural productivity stem from the increased use of existing technologies such as synthetic fertilizers, agricultural chemicals, plant breeding and hybridization, and genetically modified traits (GMOs). We are now faced with the challenge of increasing our planets capacity to produce food without leaning on existing technolog ies, many which have raised environmental and health concerns.The agtech industry is beginning to recognize, articulate, and tackle this challenge. To sustainably meet the demands of a growing population will require new innovations, new models, and wide-scale collaboration in agriculture and beyond.Glassdoor What makes Indigo special in terms of its relationship to growers/farmers?Lauren Ashbrook While Indigo has much to offer in the way of cutting-edge computational biology and crop science, the companys core mission focuses on grower profitability. We work to ensure that growers, rather than middlemen or large corporations, capture most of the value associated with their crop. We design our offerings to enable farmers to have sustainable businesses, while also enabling healthy food production.Launched this year, Indigos production model for Indigo Wheat strengthens our relationship with growers by creating a partnership that positions them to succeed from the start to finish of the growing season. More than just a transaction, this model complements growers expertise with a comprehensive package of products and services, including our microbial seed treatment, agronomic advice, precision ag tools, to give growers a competitive edge. Moreover, our model moves to connect consumer preferences with agricultural practices. Consumers increasingly want, and are willing to pay for, high-quality food, produced in a sustainable way. Given this, we are able to provide farmers with a significant harvest-time premium for growing Indigo Wheat, a sustainably and traceably produced crop.Taken together, the assets that we provide have the potential to dramatically raise farm revenue, attracting the next generation of growers.On top of this, growers are a critical part of our R&D process. Weve developed the Indigo Partners program to assess and validate new technologies on real growers fields, rather than hyper-controlled trial environments. The data and insights gathered i n partnership with growers allow for us to bring innovative and effective products to market.Glassdoor How would you describe Indigos workforce and team?Katie Czerepak A bedrock of our values is treating others with transparency, respect, honesty and integrity. We aim to be radically transparent by sharing company information, feedback and details behind policies with all employees. For example, we openly share our compensation bands so that everyone knows what the possible compensation ranges are at each level .We are really proud of attracting some of the best and brightest from many different backgrounds business, agriculture, science and technology and creating an environment conducive to collaboration. We are proud of our global diversity , with 25 different countries represented among our 200 employees.Glassdoor What kind of employee thrives at Indigo?Katie Czerepak At Indigo, we are trying to do something extraordinary, and to accomplish extraordinary goals, you need ex traordinary people. When we decide whom to bring onto our team, we think first about our core values, as we want everyone at Indigo to be committed to collaboration, transparency, and integrity. We are proud of the talented and diverse team we have in place, all united by a dedication to farmers and to the sustainable production of food for our growing world.Its the think big and mission-driven nature of Indigo that has attracted talent to Indigo, and those who succeed here are the ones that are eager to be part of our experienced and innovative team, and to work together towards a greater good.Glassdoor Indigo is hiring. If you could speak to a room full of agrotech enthusiasts, how would you pitch them to work at Indigo?Katie Czerepak I can honestly say that I think Indigo is the most exciting company to be working at right now. First and foremost, we are a truly mission-driven company , and we all come to work inspired by making the planet a healthier place. As a parent of 3 yo ung kids, knowing that the work Im doing is leaving our world better for them is extremely gratifying.Second, there is a thrill to being part of a fast-growing company where we are scaling quickly and making things happen. It allows for just fantastic career development because our people are always being asked to meet aggressive goals and come up with innovative ways to do that.And because of the combination of these 2 things (which is not all that common), we have been able to attract really smart and high caliber people, and are cultivating a really strong company culture that is inclusive, energizing, and rooting in doing the right thing. Working at Indigo means joining an insanely talented team that has the potential to not only impact an industry, but to fulfill a larger vision of a world where nutritious food is transparently sourced and resources are conserved for future generations. Its really funGlassdoor Boston is an interesting location for tech, and agrotech at that . Why Boston? What makes it the next Silicon Valley?Katie Czerepak As a company uniting agriculture, science, and technology, being in Boston allows us to uniquely draw on the best minds from some of the top universities in the world. Boston, home to some of the top technology companies as well as cutting-edge science and research institutions, is a hub for talent.Boston is buzzing with excitement around emerging technologies in pharmaceuticals, digital technologies, and now in agriculture. Its not the next Silicon Valley - its its own thing

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Falling with style Buzz Lightyears secret to overcoming failure

Falling with style Buzz Lightyears secret to overcoming failureFalling with style Buzz Lightyears secret to overcoming failureNo one succeeds at big goals that matter without failing along the way.So unless you survive the failures, youll never succeed at all.In this post, Ill teach you a simple but crucial mindset shift to help you persevere through setbacks and challenges without giving up.Because people who dont give up are capable of amazing things.What Buzz Lightyear knows that you dontGrowing up, Toy Story welches one of my favorite movies. Since its now over twenty years old - yikes - Ill give you a quick refresher.An uptight sheriff doll named Woody, who belongs to a boy named Andy, has his world turned upside down when a shiny new toy crash-lands in Andys bedroom. This new toy is Buzz Lightyear, a fancy action figure with buttons, lasers, and wings that shoot out of his back. Buzz is a cool toy, but whats interesting is, Buzz thinks hes an actual space ranger. His arrogant behavior sends the already tightly wound Woody over the edge.Their argument escalates quickly and comes to center around one claim. Buzz believes he can fly. After bouncing around the room doing micro-parkur, most of Andys other toys agree. But not Woody.When Andy accidentally forgets Woody and Buzz at a pizza restaurant, the two rivals have to work together to find their way home.In the process, Buzz comes across a TV commercial that reveals, to his horror, Woody was right. Buzz is not a space ranger hes just a toy. And if that werent bad enough, hes not a flying toy.Refusing to believe what hes heard, Buzz climbs to the top of a staircase, spreads his wings, and jumps. He crashes to the ground, losing an arm in the process.Buzz is truly ruined. With no sense of self-worth, hes robbed of all purpose.Seeing Buzz despondent, Woody tries to encourage him. He admits that he was jealous of Buzzs bells and whistles, and tells him that while he is just a toy, hes a very cool toy, and he has the power to do something meaningful by making life more fun for his owner Andy.Soon after, Woody is taken prisoner by an unstable teenager who tears apart toys for fun. So Buzz resolves to overcome both his insecurities and his arrogance, by working together with other toys to save his only friend.In a daring rescue, Buzz launches himself from a bottle rocket to grab Woody before soaring into the sky. When the rockets flare dies out, Buzz spreads his wings, and glides toward the ground with Woody in his arms. Seeing what Buzz is capable of, Woody is amazed, and without a hint of bitterness, he shouts, Buzz, youre flyingBut Buzz, remembering his tumble down the stairs, humbly explains, This isnt flying its falling with style.Why falling with style is the best-kept secret of successEvery day, overconfident dreamers, who dont understand the journey of success, invite everyone they know to watch as they leap from dangerous heights, embarking on an unexpected date with gravity. Woun ded, ashamed, and shocked, many, after hitting the ground, never get back up to try again. They mistakenly believe their error was in dreaming big, taking risks. They feel worthless, as the talents they so prized are proven insufficient, and they realize theyre no better than the people they wanted to impress.The world isnt divided into talented space rangers and lowly toys. Were all toys. Depending on how you view yourself, that even playing field may be encouraging. Or, like Buzz, you might take offense, thinking, Hes just trying to hold me down. To keep me from flying.But thats the thing, isnt it? You cant fly. You werent born with some exceptional power that will allow you to bypass the challenge and struggles required to succeed. Youre going to have to work hard, strengthen your weaknesses, and fail often. If I dont tell you that, gravity will, as it reminds me every day.But thats not a reason to quit either. Even though you and I are no better than the other toys, we are uniqu ely equipped, each with our own buttons and lasers. And when we, in community, acknowledge our weaknesses and combine our talents in service to others, we can accomplish amazing things.How to pay this mindset forwardThe road to success is paved with a thousand failures, but most people dont know that. And when you reach your goals, admirers will look at you and exclaim, Wow, youre flying But by the time youve made it that far, youll know better. Youve simply gone from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm.Let them in on your secret. Teach them success isnt flying - its falling with style.Want to go deeper?Do you have big goals you long to achieve? The biggest threat to your success is simply giving up.Become a finisher with my short bookQuitterProof The 5 Beliefs of Highly Successful People.Download your free copy right here.Kyle Youngis helping creative people achieve big goals that matter.

Friday, December 20, 2019

5 ways to cope if youre laid off during the holidays

5 ways to cope if youre laid off during the holidays5 ways to cope if youre laid off during the holidaysDuring the holiday season, all you want is time away from the office spent with those you love, so you can start the new year feeling recharged. Thats why layoffs at such a pleasant time - when youre really looking forward to letting your guard down- feel like the worst-case scenario.Heres how to cope if you get the axe.(Try to) Leave on a high noteYoull want to leave the job on good terms. So as horrifying as the situation may seem, dont put on a show of dramatic emotions or act in a way that embarrasses yourself or your team.As Ladders reader Mikeonce showed us, its important to leave a good impression on your way out.Try to enjoy time with loved ones as much as possibleI know, I know, this is a lot easiersaid than done. But its worth a shot.As long as no one pesters you too long for the play-by-play on how you were laid off, spending time with friends and family could be the ke y to moving forward. They can help remind you that your future leise has a lot in store for you.Hit the gymYou have to keep moving.J.T. ODonnell, Founder and CEO of, writes in Inc. that people who lose their jobs over the holidays should work out every day.Its normal to go through a grieving process when we lose a job. The fear, anger, doubt, denial, etc. Its important to allow yourself to process your feelings, but dont let it take too long, she writes. The sooner you can see the possibility of landing a new, more interesting job, the sooner youll be in the right state of mind to network, interview, and land a new position. One of the best ways to cope is to exercise. The endorphins will give you a mental and physical boost. Youll need your strength. Plus, exercising will be a stress reliever, a confidence builder, and a mood enhancer.Spend on gifts within your meansYou dont have to overdo it.Chrissy Scivicque, Founder and CEO of the site Eat Your Career, writes in U.S. News World Report that if you were recently fired, you should cut back on extravagant gifts during the holidays.No doubt youre feeling the financial uncertainty of unemployment. Thats totally normal This time of year can create added strain, especially if youre used to buying extravagant gifts for loved ones, she writes. Dont allow your history of generosity to push you into unwise spending. You need to make some adjustments to account for the current situation. Your loved ones will understand its not about the gifts, and it never was. Focus on giving fewer, more meaningful, gifts instead.Try to be as positive as possible during the job huntThink about the new year - instead of seeing a blank page, let yourself feel negative for a short instant, and then get back to the grind. Your drive (and maybe even sanity) will thank you.After all, youre still here, so you might as well make your time worthwhile and work toward what youve always wanted.

Sunday, December 15, 2019

How I learned to effectively manage my inbox for good

How I learned to effectively manage my inbox for goodHow I learned to effectively manage my inbox for goodLast year around this time I pledged that I would finallydetox my inboxand learn to manage my schmelzglas once and for all. 365 days later, Im happy to report Ive changed for the better and havent looked back sinceHeres what I did to make the switch1. Take advantage of Gmail tabsI rely on Gmails Promotions and Social tabs to keep the junk out of my main inbox every day. That way, when I have the time, I can choose to give those tabs a once-over. At least once a month I do a quick scan in case Ive missed anything important (like a good sale on my favorite e-commerce sites) and just bulk delete the rest.I love these tabs for automated de-cluttering, but they only work as long as you drag anything you really enjoy reading (like Bossed Up emails, of course) to your priority inbox so you dont miss the good stuff2. Limit time in the inboxI used to have my inbox always open in a tab in my browser, but that was a huge distraction that made me susceptible to knee-jerk reactions instead of using email more intentionally. Now I only peek in on my inbox once every few hours starting just after I tackle my first biggest objective of the morning.Whenever possible, I try to finish the day with answering emails to clear out my inbox each evening, too.3. I use the touch it once ruleNo more mindless email-peeking If Im scrolling through emails on my phone, I commit to answering emails then and there, too. If Im not ready to deal with it, I leave it alone and save it for reading later.Otherwise, every time I peek in on emails just out of curiosity, I end up having to go back later, re-read them all over again and respond.4. I archive everythingI used to keep emails sitting in my inbox because I was afraid of losing a record of them. This was my biggest mistakeI didnt realize there was an option between the trash can and keeping them sitting in my inbox, but there is Get to k now the archive button It has become my best friends and Im aya youll find the same thing.Now whenever any email has been responded to and handled, I get it out of my view by clicking the archive button, which sends it away, out of my inbox, but still ensures that it comes up in search. And now, with Gmails handynudge feature, certain emails that youve sent but havent gotten an answer back on will be brought back to your inbox a few days later.In other words I do everything I can to just keep active email threads that require my attention in my inbox. Otherwise, they get archived and out of the way.5. I catch up once a weekEven though this new email regimen really has stuck and changed my work life for the better, nobodys perfect. So if I havent cleaned out my inbox by the end of the week, I always try to reserve an hour at the end of the day on Friday to finish the job. Theres no way I could be perfect about achieving inbox zero every day, so giving myself these catch-up days is ab solutely essential to stay on track.Want to give your inbox a detox this season?Give it a go and see if you can set your inbox up for better management this year. Just remember dont let perfection be the enemy of your progress. Stay diligent, but also have patience with yourself. Change is hard, but if you take it slow and steady, it can stick for you, too.This article was originally published on BossedUp.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Appeal of Typical Resume

The Appeal of Typical Resume The Chronicles of Typical Resume There are 3 standard resume formats to pick from in your job search. Just be sure you find it possible to fit all content on a single page. If youre using a professional resume format, youll be prompted for placement of your contact info. Lets take an instance of a document with a particular format, like a resume. As an example, for an accounting job position, it is necessary to highlight in your resume the qualifications that the organization is on the lookout for in an applicant. If you are only starting out, or when you have worked for 10 decades or less for a single employer, then you ought to be able to keep it to a single page. When you havent quite got to the interview phase of the work application procedure and youre still writing your resume, take a look at our resume builder and how simple it can definitely be to compose a resume. Lets take a common interview day for an established consulting firm and the various abroll-container-transport-system that are staged. Thus it is simply natural that the applicant should also have the capacity to send the proper signals during the interview itself. You will be astonished how competitive you are when compared to the regular applicant. Recruitment can involve a great deal of theatre. Heres What I Know About Typical Resume Writing a resume is a good deal of work and your submission is going to be for a single site only. Executing on an exact ambitious vision needs an excellent team, and therefore, we think that how we hire isnt just important, it is truly the key to our long-term success The actual individuals highly praise our essay help site. The appropriate format ought to be there together with the style of writing. Definitions of Typical Resume Read each sentence as though you were the huge voice of a radio announcer. Thus, its important to produce a resume that will give the ideal impression and provide you a slot for interv iew. Act as if youre actually in a work interview. The Chronicles of Typical Resume Before you begin building your own bots and asking software to do the work hunting for you, you will need to discover and build your individual brand. Every technique could induce the machine to learn something different and then, generate a different effect. To make the best impression, you require the right resume format. Cover the basics in an easy and smart way because of our resume format templates. Putting down your life on a single bit of paper sounds challenging--especially if you dont quite understand what are the most essential items to include. A resume is often looked at as merely a page of facts, but should you dont rush and, look at a Resume Example, you will observe it has some basic components that seem to be essential for everybody. Including a video to your resume is a very simple means to continue to keep people engaged. If youre using mobile phone, you may also utilize me nu drawer from browser. The effect of applying data augmentation will be based on the particular technique itself. Obviously, but you have to learn a different method of structuring the document. Additionally, there are endless lists of skills, personal characteristics, numerical outcomes, verbs, unnecessary detail, and frequently details which are not written clearly or would not be understood by someone beyond the business or job which is being discussed. The application of information augmentation has to be specific to the context in which its used. Top Typical Resume Choices You include here your prior positions from the companies youre into. Conventional hiring processes are made to recruit the most skilled folks to fill a particular role at the appropriate price. Your resumes are yours and if youre unhappy with our service, just inform us and well remove them from all our servers. In the modern job market it is crucial that the work seeker understand and incorporate the right modifications to their resume for the desired benefits. The recruiter and employer cant assume that all applicants have the essential abilities, so be certain that you include as many as possible. Interviewers utilize intimidation tactics. For instance, most job descriptions note that the business needs accountants who will be accountable for bookkeeping and making financial reports. Concentrate on the ways employer will profit from hiring you. Although its your abilities and accomplishments on the resume, they are there to demonstrate the employer that you could meet all the necessities of the job in which youre interested. If youre talking about a prior job, be certain to include what you were working as, for the length of time you worked on the achievement ahead of the result or outcome.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Beautiful Resume Templates Free Explained

Beautiful Resume Templates Free Explained Simple doesnt need to mean uninspired and boring. Envato Elements is an excellent place to get started when you set out to hunt for awesome looking resumes. Experience portion of the resume is normal for all resumes and its also rather important. Typography is crucial portion of the layout and Times New Roman just kills the typography since it is used too much. Ideas, Formulas and Shortcuts for Beautiful Resume Templates Free For example a provider asks you to send your resume, or perhaps you already know someone in the business and you just have to send is an official document containing the vital facts. If you are feeling uncomfortable about sharing facts about your professional life, you might bedrngnis need a stranger to take charge of the plan procedure. So whether youre searching for something basic to something a bit mora on the creative side, were convinced you can find something which will fit your taste and personality. Y ou wish to pick a resume schablone which will help you make a fantastic first impression, even before people start reading. Based on the kind of application process youre addressing, it could be appropriate to include samples of your work in your CV. If youve been at it for a couple of years, locate a template which allows for increased detail of your prior responsibilities and experience. When youre asking for a job which relies on the strengths of the person, you require a resume template you can inject a little more personality into to make it pop. You will have the ability to resize some elements automatically. Whatever template you decide on, youre given the simple design elements as the foundation for your own creation. Each template offers structure, examples and tips so you dont need to start from scratch when creating your resume. Given the significance of a work application, a completely free template might not be always enough to showcase your talent. In case the prior templates do not satisfy your requirements then complexity is possibly the suitable selection. When youre in work hunt, nothing will help you more than an impressive resume. Whether you had a very simple nose job or a complicated procedure such a tummy tuck, you cannot return to work or pick up your kids a day later. You never receive a second opportunity to produce a great first impression in the work search. Our objective is to design creative resumes that remain simple and simple to edit, but are beautiful and professional at precisely the same time. Possessing a strong resume doesnt necessarily indicate you will land the job, but it is an amazing approach to be sure you have the interview. If you would like to get a nice job, you require a good resume. Get the Scoop on Beautiful Resume Templates Free Before Youre Too Late The upcoming free resume template is made in the shape of a brochure. Youre able to download the resume template at no cost and can readily edit the template using Microsoft word. There are lots of free resume templates readily available online but sometimes it can be very tough to decide on the best one that is most suited to you. Our creative templates permit you to stick out from the crowd. The Pain of Beautiful Resume Templates Free You are able to easily edit the files and modify the dummy content to your own info. It is possible to come across minimalist resumes together with elegant and creative resume templates perfect for practically any form of industry. Therefore, you should format your resume and make your content simple to skim to guarantee they notice the most significant details. The Resume template comprises a resume, a titel letter, and a set of icons you may use for your contact info, social networking, education, and more. The greater the resume template you create, the greater your possibilities of getting work. With helpful instructions often included, you will be able to personalize your tem plate without difficulty. Its possible to edit the color together with the content with no trouble. The template includes a cover letter in addition to a resume so that you get whatever you want to submit a memorable job application. There are a lot of free creative resume templates you may use, enabling you to focus your energy on everything else you should do. In addition to that, you have the free resume fonts and icons you see here so youre going to be able to earn something similarly brilliant. Each one of our creative style templates provide a perfectly balanced mixture of personality, professionalism and some style. Big number of design style will make sure you will discover a resume template that fits with your taste. Use a few carefully chosen charts and graphics and you are certain to impress any prospective employer. Your files are offered for download immediately after payment together with sent to you by e-mail. The whole selection of resume templates is composed o f a selection of creative resume designs. A few of the templates are free while others cost a couple of dollars.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

6 Ways to Make an Awesome First Impression on Your First Day of Work

6 Ways to Make an Awesome First Impression on Your First Day of Work 6 Ways to Make an Awesome First Impression on Your First Day of WorkPosted April 29, 2019, by Kristina MiticA first impression is a difficult thing to run away from. Whether we like it or not, both we and the people around us make snap decisions on other peoples character solely based on exactly that. A bad first impression can make things hard, as it basically means any type of relationship is abfluging in the red. We need to work at it to even reach ground zero.Luckily, we are able to somewhat control how peopleperceive us. Think about it. At the end of the day, it all comes down to appearances and mannerisms. We have the advantage of controlling both of those things, thus we decide how others see us and what kind of first impression we make.So, if you managed to finally land that dream job or youve found your very first job, you want to make the best first impression you can. Youve come to the right place. Here i s how you make an awesome first impression on your very first day of workBe On TimeDo you have a tendency of running late? If so, thats not something you want to show off on your very first day. Aim to arrive at least 10 minutes early. This wont make you seem too eager or like you cant plan appropriately but will show youre punctuality and readiness to start work. Additionally, if you arrive a bit earlier you could always ask for a tour of the place or take the time to do a final appearance check and freshen up a bit.No one really likes waiting around for people. Considering its your first day, HR probably has some kind of protocol in place to help get you started. And you want to start with them on the right foot, thats for sure.Be ConfidentRemember that youve put in the work to get where you are. You probably spent countless hours studying, revising your CV and preparing for the job bewerbungsinterview. Chances are, you had to wait a while to get confirmation youve been hired. Now that the big day is here, its important for you to know that you deserve it. And then, to act accordingly.Look people in the eye and shake their hand firmly. Smile and dont shy away from questions when youre invited to join a conversation. The vibe you give off can be crucial to how people will start thinking of you. Will they hear a mousy little voice when they think about you, or will they think of a more confident tone? Its all up to you.Get the Dress Code RightOnce upon a time, the piece of advice most given was to dress professionally. However, times have changed and lots of companies have started to accept the more casual way of dressing. Basically, if you dress professionally, you might end up being overdressed. While that in itself wont be detrimental to how people feel about you, it might trip you up internally. In the end, this uncertainty could ultimately lead to a misguided comment or nervous tick that might be what alters how people see you.It may seem like a minefield , but its actually not that difficult to follow this step.If you managed to get the job, youve probably met some employees at the job interview. Think about how they were dressed and they try to mimic that. But, if youre not sure in that, you can always opt for business casual, thats the norm in most offices.Even if it isnt in yours, you wont feel like youre sticking out too much.Be FriendlyBeing surrounded by new people in a new environment is not the best feeling in the world. While some do thrive in it, thats not the case for most. Sometimes nerves get away from us and we start appearing a little too unfriendly, stiff or grouchy. On the other hand, its not the best idea to look too eager or be overly smiley. Again, its all about establishing a balance.To play it safe, answer any question youre asked with a casual smile. Also, try to avoid grinning or laughing too loudly. No matter how funny the joke youre being told is. It could be hard, but you dont want to be known as the perso n who guffawed on their very first day.Be AppropriateGet involved and have a chat but remember, the time for telling wild stories or bestowing your wisdom on new colleagues is certainly not the first day in office. Participate in conversations, but try not to share anything that might be too unprofessional.Be PreparedAsking about what you should expect in the first few weeks on the job is never a bad idea. You could ask HR for pointers when youre making arrangements for when to start. Maybe you could even include it on your list of questions in the interview itself, showcasing a willingness to understand the company processes.Knowing what is ahead should allow you to feel more relaxed for your first day. Still, even if youre not sure in the exact details of your first few days, its generally a good idea to bring a notepad or a planner. This will enable you to take notes on any new ground youre covering so that other employees dont have to repeat themselves. The added benefit is how professional it makes you seem. ResourcesMy first resumeCover letter for my first jobCareer Insider StoriesShelley Lask - Body Positive Health & FitnessInterested in becoming a?Human Resources OfficerGeneral ManagerBusiness ManagerAccountantOffice AdministratorPopular Career Searchesjob ads on executive chefcover letter for child care worker no experiencephysiotherapy work experience sports clubsyouth support worker cover letterkey selection criteria examples mental health worker CoursesBachelor of Social WorkEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Health AdministrationEnquire Online Enquire OnlineBachelor of Criminal JusticeEnquire Online Enquire OnlineCertificate III in Allied Health AssistanceEnquire Online Enquire OnlineKristina MiticRelated ArticlesBrowse moreUniversityWork experienceUse your retail job to launch your careerEven if its just a part-time job while youre studying, you can use retail experience to develop new skills, give your resume substance, and demonstr ate to future employers that you have initiative and a healthy work ethic.BusinessEMPLOYER RESOURCESManaging your business workforce is key to survivalThe economic slowdown has forced many businesses to take a good hard look at themselves how they operate, their business models, and how their employees perform.FinanceRisky businessYou crash your car. You have emergency heart surgery. Your suitcase is stolen. Of course, these are all less-than-ideal situations but theyre all linked by an urgent need for one simple thing insurance.